Owl Creek Organics
How it began…
In 2011, I was a teacher in Minnesota and signed up for my first honey bee workshop in Hastings, Nebraska to learn about how to keep bees. My interest in bees initially began because of my love for gardening. I had read that bees could increase vegetable production because the bees pollinate the flowers of the vegetable plants. The following summer, I bought several hives and each year after that I increased my numbers. Along with beekeeping, I started a market garden and sold my produce at the farmer’s market in Rapid City, South Dakota.
In 2014, I noticed a plum tree in the corner of my parents alfalfa field. So I harvested the plums and called my grandma to learn how to make jelly from them. She told me how to do it and with some trial and error, I made my first pink jelly made from plums. At that time I was using sugar to sweeten the jams. As time went on, and I produced more honey, I thought why not try sweetening the jams with honey? It’s better for digestion since it’s a natural sweetener that has been predigested by the honey bees for us in the first place. So I tried it and again with some trial and error, I made jams sweetened with honey. Some of my favorites are raspberry jam and grape jelly but the most popular by my customers are by far huckleberry and lingonberry.
In 2018, I started making creamed honeys and added spices like cinnamon or dried wild berries like lingonberries or organic dried fruit like blueberries to flavor them. I’ve come up with more specialty honeys since I first started like German chocolate cake honey and gingerbread honey. A new honey I want to try making in 2024 is lemon poppy seed honey.
Throughout the years, I have sold my product at markets and shows in Rapid City, Spearfish, Belle Fourche, Bismarck, Dickinson, Gillette, Casper, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Grand Forks, Minot, Pierre and Albuquerque. Today, I only sell at the Town Square Farmer’s Market in Grand Forks and at the Saint Paul European Christmas Market in December. I also do occasional shows throughout the year in different parts of South Dakota and North Dakota as well as in Minnesota.
You can find my products at several different retailers including Bernie’s in Grand Forks, ND, Lueders in Spearfish & Belle Fourche, SD, Lynn’s Dakota Mart in Sturgis, SD and Staple and Spice in Rapid City, SD. My goal is to sell at a grocery store in Saint Paul, MN and in Fargo, ND.
One thing I’ve had to do in the past is send my honey bees to California for pollination so that they make it through the winter in a more mild climate. In 2021, I built an overwintering building in South Dakota to keep my bees so that they don’t have to go clear out to California. 2023 was the first year they went into the overwintering building. Since it has been such a mild winter, they have not gone in yet this year (2024). I am planning on putting them in soon though. They will be brought back out in late February to early March once the harsher temperatures are over.
Today, I continue to learn and grow my business. I listen to my customers and try to make and sell products that they love or request to have made. My focus is on healthy products that taste good and give you energy. Thanks to my customers, I am able to keep doing what I love. Other than my bees and garden, one of my favorite things is product development. Finding that product that customers and family say, “wow, that’s good” gives me such joy.
Thank you for taking the time to read about how it all began! I hope you enjoy looking at the photo gallery that follows.
Bernadette Barnaud, owner of Owl Creek Organics selling at the Farmer's Market in Gillette in 2014.

Organic zucchini growing during the summer of 2017

My brother Andre helping me set up my first hive

Just getting started in gardening selling produce with my Aunt Mona in 2014 in Gillette, Wyoming

Owl Creek Hoop House built by Francois, Michael & CJ Barnaud. Used to grow organic tomatoes, herbs and other vegetables

My brother and his wife building my hoop house for vegetables in 2015
Owl Creek Honey bees my first year keeping them

Organic pumpkins growing through the fence into the corrals in 2015. Can't control pumpkin plants!

Me and my hoop house 2015

Bernard and Tim Barnaud waiting for Tim's cows to sell in 2015

Me (Bernadette) at the farmer's market in Rapid City in 2016

Heirloom tomatoes growing in the hoop house

My mom at the 2017 Pumpkin Fest in Rapid City

Beets I grew in the Hoop House in 2016

Selling product at the Big One Craft Show in Bismarck, ND in 2017

Bernard Barnaud and sons Michael, Francois, & Tim

Different products I sell. My parents produce eggs and are very dedicated to feeding the chickens all organic feed. Tim Barnaud (my brother) produces very good lean beef.

My hoop house planted into lettuce and tomatoes in 2015

Summer squash, yellow and green zucchini. Delicious!

Grilling zucchini. So good!

Finished the Better Processing School at UNL in Lincoln to be able to test producer's canned goods.

My honey bees headed to California in November for the winter to do pollination and to go to warmer temperatures. They come back in April

My hives in 1 of my yards at the beginning of the summer 2019

A beautiful basket of fresh summer squash, zucchini and patty pans. All grown organically meaning no chemicals are ever used to produce them.

My honey bee habitat I planted this year (2019)

This all started because of my love for jelly. Pictured is wild grape jelly.

My walk-behind tractor. I do all my tilling with this. I bought it in 2017

Barnaud Ranch in the winter

Whipped honey spread produced from Owl Creek Hives

My produce, all Organic, on the way to the Farmer's Market.

My first year at the European Christmas Market in Saint Paul, Minnesota selling my products.

My hives at the end of the summer 2019

My brother Francois and I moving hives back to our holding yard at night 2019

My parents and brothers at the sales ring during a Mangen Angus sale

Barnaud Limousin Beef with cheddar cheese, Owl Creek Organics Tomatoes and Mint

Me at the French Pastry School in Chicago during the summer of 2019 learning how to bake bread properly

At the French Pastry School in 2019. What an opportunity! Glad I went. I learned so much.

Francois Barnaud looking at Mangen Angus bulls in the spring of 2019

A beautiful depiction of my busines by my Uncle Jean Paul.

My kitchenette 2018

My kitchenette

Me and my Aunt Mona in her hoop house. She has been a great inspiration to me in gardening

The fall 2017 on Barnaud Ranch

Pickles all made with organic ingredients and cucumbers and dill produced organically on our farm

Francois, Tim and my Dad at the Mangen bull sale 2019

Cosmos Flowers that I plant ever year for the honey bees & bumblebees.

My sister Mary at the Winterfest in Aberdeen in November 2019

BH Farmer's Market in Rapid City 2020

Me selling product at the Acres Conference in Minneapolis 2019

A waterfall of our organic zucchini and squash 2017

Selling at the St Paul European Christmas Market in 2018

Raspberries patches on a really good year in 2018

Market day in Rapid 2017

A honeybee on a cosmos flower

A honey bee on organic borage at the ranch

A honey bee pollinating our chokecherry flowers, summer 2020

A honey bee on our organic white clover. We have so much of this which makes the honey taste soo good!

A honey bee on our red clover. Lots of this too!

Me at market 2020

A honey bee on a thistle.

Hives in my brother Tim's alfalfa fields.

A bumble bee on a cosmos flower

My brother Francois, suited up and ready to help with the honey bees, summer 2020

Me with my skidsteer I purchased summer 2020

Bringing the bees back from California 2020

Product on display at the Black Hills Farmer's Market in Rapid City

Me, suited up and ready to work honey bees, summer 2020

My potato patch along side my hoop house, 2020

Our lane down to the house in the fall.

Honey frames. This is so beautiful. White capped honey.

Our chickens in the winter, 2020

Bernard Barnaud, my dad pouring seed into his seeder to plant the field.

My honey bees on my dad's roses June, 2020

Organic Pink Radishes summer 2020

Find the Honey Bees!

HOney bees on my mint flowers

Fall 2020 at Barnaud Ranch

Selling at the BH Farmer's Market August 2020

Our bum calf hiding in the flowers

The chickens 2020

Dad and my brother Tim hauling cows back from pasture 2020

Francois & my dad loading a bull into the trailer

The driveway of Barnaud Ranch 2020

Francois building my green house

The cats & the pumpkin

Heifers 2020

A honey bee on a flower

My commercial kitchen

Lemon infused honey 2020

My products at Lueders in Belle Fourche

My products at Lynns' Dakota Mart in Sturgis 2020

My dad helping me set out the hives spring 2020

Me at market 2020

Owl Creek in the fall 2020

My mom on a walk with the animals on the ranch.

My mom with the eggs her and my dad sell. They are high quality, super healthy eggs.

A platter of all the things we produce except the cottage cheese.

My nephew Pierce with an organic pumpkin

A new honey I made. Shelf stable. Made with dried pumpkin powder & pumpkin pie spices.

My niece Quinn in her organic garden

Me with my sister Jacqueline at the Farmer's Market in Rapid City 2020

My dad doing chores in the fall 2020

An autumn beauty sunflower 2020

Best combination ever. Coffee (or tea) with toast and jam (or honey!!).

My dad helping me set hives out at my brother's ranch.

Me in my hoop house 2020

Enjoying jam on a toast & tea in the afternoon 2020

A beautiful sunflower with a wild bumblebee.

Organic thyme. I love this in just about any vegetable or meat dish.

At the Black Hills Farmer's Market November 2020

My display that I set up to sell during December 2020 in Bismarck.

Selling Honey & Jams at the Black Hills Stock Show this year, February 2021

Selling at the Garden Expo in Bismarck 2021

Just about to leave to get my bees in Minnesota, May 2021

A honey bee on a cotton wood tree thjis spring.

The eggs that we produce. So good and so nutritious!

Selling at BLack Hills Farmer's Market, June 2021

Selling at BLack Hills Farmer's Market June 2021.

A honey bee resting on my hand

My hives this year, June 2021

I planted the fruit trees as babies in 2017. They are now blooming producing fruit!!

3 little honeys all in a row.

Honey Bees at Sundown

Organic Cucumbers & Dill we produce

Organic Pickling Cucumbers growing on the vine
One of my favorites. Raspberry Jam Sweetened with Honey

South Dakota Honey Bear

Bread & Butter Pickles

The raw products (cucumbers) with the finished products.

Honey bee with a flower

Mixed organic zucchini and organic thyme. All produced here near Owl Creek.

Me with my parents chickens. They're fed only the best-organic feed.

South Dakota Lavender-the variety I grow is French Provincial Lavender

Me with a customer at market in Rapid City


Our South Dakota cherry tree.

Owl Creek honey with organic lavender produced here.

My dad & brother's cows.

My hives during a honey flow.

produce and honey at market

Market friends!

Cherry Almond Jam

Country Roads. Our place.

Field of Dandelions in the spring

Owl Creek

Cosmos flowers 2021

A giant Sunflower in my garden

The honey bees on the frames. The white is capped honey.

Orange plums frowing on our trees.

Me at market 2021

2021 flowers

2021 Market in Pierre, SD

Bismarck Garden Show 2022

BHFM Farmer's Market 2022

2022 Honey

Me at a spring market 2022

BHFM 2022



Hummingbird Moth getting nectar from zinnias

Peanut butter honey toast...is there anything better than that!!

My flower garden 2021

2021 Cosmos flowers

BHFM 2021

HOney bee on a cosmo flowers

Yellow zinnias and marigolds in front of colored zinnias

2021 storefront

Raw Sweet clover honey naturally crystallized.

Honey bees using grass and weeds to stabilize themselves and keep afloat while drinking water.

My husband Brandon and I in front of his sunflower field.

Riding tractor with Brandon

At the Saint Paul European Christmas Market

2021 flower bed

Owl Creek Warehouse in South Dakota

Bees everywhere

Caramel CInnamon Roll Honey

Warehouse at night

Lingonberry Honey premixed

Raspberry Jam

Cherries and honey-ready to make cherry amaretto conserve

At the Garden Show in Minneapolis in 2023

at the Saint Paul Christmas Market 2023

2023 Christmas Market in Saint Paul

A honey bee on a wild flower

Freshly made pickles

At the Garden Show in Minneapolis in 2023

Hummingbird moth I took a picture of in 2021

Storm building 2022

Flower garden 2021

Healthy honey bees in the spring of 2023

A bumblebee gripping onto a cosmos flower as it pollinates it.

Honey bee hanging from borage flowers-aka 'bee bread'

Sweet clover, alfalfa, and red clover mix growing in my Dad's field.

A butterfly on a zinnia

Sunflowers growing in McVille, ND

My parents chickens on their farm in South Dakota

BHFM 2022

My husband and I in one of his wheat fields in the fall of 2023


Zinnias and hummindbird moth.

Zinnias and hummingbird moth

Jalapenos steeping in honey

Hummingbird moths love zinnias

Basil, tomatoes, zucchini and chard as well as oregano

A variety of my flavored and regular honeys

My Dad and brother's cows.

Jalapenos I grew organically

Plums I grew organically

My plum trees in 2023

A honey bee on a gorgeous cosmo flower

The cows and calves in the spring. My Dad and brother raised them.

My sister Mary helping me sell at the Saint Paul European Christmas Market in Saint Paul in 2023

My husband and sister helping me sell in Saint Paul

Fresh organic dill

My sister and I selling in Saint Paul

Basil and thyme

2021 BHFM market

I started selling thumbprint cookies this year with my jams

Beeswax candles I made from my honeybees beeswax.

A honey bee and another pollinator on some thistles

Different kinds of jars with the same honey my bees produce in them. I produce in South Dakota and North Dakota.

My Dad. We helped him move pipes. 2024 summer

Sauteed organic zucchini and beets I grew.

A honey bee on alfalfa
Banana Rum Jam

My warehouse in the distance

Organic Potatoes and carrots from my garden

My garden 2024

Bees wax candles.

My cat in my garden 2024

My brother and Dad's cows

Beautiful beeswax candles

Dill and zinnias growing together 2024

2023 Grand Forks Pride of Dakota show case

The upstairs of my warehouse

At the National Restaurant Association in Chicago in May 2024

My nieces

National Restaurant Association

With Jeff Mauro from the Kitchen at the National Restaurant Show

Banana Rum Jam at the National Restaurant show

North Dakota Country Roads

My husbands tractor and grain cart

Honeys at the National Restaurant Show